Big Wags for Bobby's Birthday!

Woof Woof!
My friend Bobby is one year old today, so Happy Birthday to Bobby! (Bobby is Megan's new little bruv)
One year is an important mile stone in a pupster’s life – you can still get away with being a silly puppy but you haven’t yet reached your teenage angst months, always a difficult time (don’t worry you’ll hit that in about six months and I’ll give you some more advice then).
I don’t really understand what birthday’s are, all I know is that one day in the year the uprights spoil me rotten and take me out for the day, the granny’s and granddad send me cards and it’s always a really cool day. Haven’t got a clue why but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying it so here’s the bear’s guide to the perfect furry birthday:
1. You’re allowed to have chicken alllllllll day! – nothing makes bear’s happier than a big bowl of chicken, followed by a chicken picnic, with a big roast chicken dinner at the end of the day – it’s your birthday so you deserve it.
2. You get to go on your favourite walk
3. Presents – for some reason uprights give each other gifts on this day so make sure no. 2 involves going via the pet shop and that your uprights splash the cash – a few toys, a couple of chews, maybe a few gravy bones as well.
4. If you don’t get all of the above you’re allowed to sulk (he he he he he he …… and boy, can border terrier’s sulk! – advanced lessons in sulking anyone?)
Think that might be the first in a new series: “The Bear guide to……” watch this space (you do that, I’ll go and watch the chicken)
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