Woof Woof!
For the more regular readers of my postings to the world wide woof, this will be something of interest, what's that hanging beneath the balloons?
A car.

Not just any old car mind, that my furry friends is the original Big Red Bear Bus (TM).
You may recall i mentioned in my posting about the new bear chariot, that someone had taken the old Red Bear Bus away to make it fly, and there it is. Now i know that it's not red anymore, but that's only because everyone knows the Bear Bus is red, and they'd have got loads of complaints from animal rights groups etc. - people would understandably get worried about seeing it at such a crazy angle, they might think that i was still in it!
I was in the pub watching the England match and enjoying some light refreshment with my crisps when suddenly, at half time, there it was on sky sports tv, our old Bear Bus starring in an advert for
Ford Mondeos mind you, that was the high point of the evening as England were rubbish again (as usual..)