Postings to the World Wide Woof!

Woof Woof! and welcome to a furry corner of the interweb thingy, that is the online home of myself, BonusBear, furry superstar, bon viveur and all round loveable scamp On these pages, you'll find out all about me, my family, friends, and other happenings that make my tail wag.

Monday, August 29, 2005

The penny has just dropped.

Woof! Woof!
You know, sometimes things arent always as they seem. I've always thought that my furry little perspective on things was quite accurate and you'd have to be up pretty early in the morning to catch me out,(although apparently according to mum and dad anytime before about should do it) but today i realised that things maybe weren't as i'd assumed.

Now being a little fellah, i'd always taken it as a given, that i get up, have breakfast and then take mum for a walk. Usually dad comes too, but generally mum's the one who needs it and she's not happy until i've taken her out (even if it' only for a quick spin around the block).

Imagine my suprise today then, when taking mum and dad out for a nice walk, i heard them mention that they we're taking ME for the walk. Now ok, i can see how sometimes when i loiter along behind it might seem that they're the ones wearing the walking boots in this relationship, but hey! sometimes i'm not in the mood for walking them, what can i say? it happens. But to suggest that all this walking in the woods and hills is for my benefit? i dont know, there's gratitude for you. To think, all those times when i've gone out in the snow, wind and rain because mum needs a walk, when i could have just said "no way, i'm not going out in this" but didn't because i thought it'd be cruel not to. when all along i could have been snuggled up in a duvet or stretched out in front of the telly....

Anyway, here's a picture of me taking Mum for a walk in Queen Elisabeth Country Park

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ancient Monuments i have peed on

Woof Woof!

Well, me and Mum and Dad went camping this week, but then we came home again after only one night cos Dad forgot to pack the duvet and we all froze in our little tent (and he forgot to pack the plates and the mugs and the bowls, but he did remember the chicken so well done Dad, good to know you've got your priorities right.)

But we stopped at Stone Henge on the way home cos mum thought i should get a bit of culture. Unfortunately couldn't get quite close enough to wee on the henge itself, pity, i was thinking of starting a new blog: ancient wonders of the world that i have peed on - could have been good, book, tv series etc.

I think it's very important to wee on everything i come across, not only is it very satisfying but it lets the whole world know that i've arrived, in fact i don't really understand why uprights don't do it as well, make everything clearer and then we'd know who's boss.

A bit more about Mum and Dad....

Woof Woof!

So let me tell you a bit more about some of the other uprights in my life.

There’s mum, she a photographer, which I think means she takes people to a big dark room with lots of flashing lights in and makes them stand in the middle wearing bunny costumes, santa outfits or superman costumes, whilst she points a big black box at them then she flashes the lights and makes a click sound at the same time – or at least that’s what happens to me when she takes me to work.

Dad – he’s really funny, actually Mum and Dad make each other laugh a lot, then they usually jump on me and tickle me so that I can join in – they’re cool. Not quite sure what Dad does but it involves heaving lots of HUGE grey boxes around, lots of grey cabling and lots of disco lights, Mum says he’s always making a lot of noise – I think it’s something to do with parties, though I don’t know what they are either but I don’t think chicken is involved.

Right now I can smell a chicken roasting in the oven. I always feel it’s important to stand guard in the vicinity of the oven at these times to prevent any unwanted chicken interference activity that may preclude my getting some. I’d better go and lie prostrate before the oven, making sure I’m right in the way, in the middle of the kitchen, just to keep the chicken safe and remind the uprights of my chicken needs……gotta go………………(runs off purposefully)