Postings to the World Wide Woof!

Woof Woof! and welcome to a furry corner of the interweb thingy, that is the online home of myself, BonusBear, furry superstar, bon viveur and all round loveable scamp On these pages, you'll find out all about me, my family, friends, and other happenings that make my tail wag.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Santa's Furry Helper

Woof! Woof!

T'was the night before christmas and all through the house, a small creature was stirring and he wasn't a mouse........ no, he was a small bear masquerading as Mr S Claus in order to get his sticky little paws on the biscuits left for Santa .....sssssssshhhh don't tell Mum, she still believes in Father Christmas......