Postings to the World Wide Woof!

Woof Woof! and welcome to a furry corner of the interweb thingy, that is the online home of myself, BonusBear, furry superstar, bon viveur and all round loveable scamp On these pages, you'll find out all about me, my family, friends, and other happenings that make my tail wag.

Monday, April 02, 2007

I Wandered Lonely....

Woof Woof!

"I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils"

Thanks to Mr Wordsworth for the poem, very nice, but i always think a good bit of poetry can always be improved with a few more references to chicken.

As you can see, spring has sprung (boing!) and what with me never being one to miss a photo opportunity I thought I'd plonk myself down in a suitable spot that would allow me to show off the flowers to their full potential.

now lets see....

I wandered hungry as a bear...
My heart began to quicken
When all at once I saw over there
A bucketload of chicken!!!

Crumbs! I'm a poet and I didn't even realise!