Postings to the World Wide Woof!

Woof Woof! and welcome to a furry corner of the interweb thingy, that is the online home of myself, BonusBear, furry superstar, bon viveur and all round loveable scamp On these pages, you'll find out all about me, my family, friends, and other happenings that make my tail wag.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Sea Side....!

Woof Woof!

Yes it's me at another world famous monument, well Beachy Head anyway.

Had to take Mum on another very very long walk last weekend, she said she had to take some photos of this overgrown lollipop. I thought i'd better go along too to make sure she didn't forget about the tide and get washed away and guess which one of us got stuck in the rocks and needed to be carried to safety - well i've only got little legs (felt a bit sheepish actually, i was supposed to be looking after her). I made up for it by very helpfully running backwards and forwards in front of the camera, cos she must want me in every shot, surely?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Tum Tum Trouble Again

Woof! Woof!

My tummy is sore again - i like to let Mum and Dad know by flumping around with my head and tail down, eventually they get the message and take me to see Uncle Duncan. Mum plonks me on the table and Uncle Duncan puts some tubes in his ears (maybe he doesn't want to listen to Mum and Dad - they do go on a bit) and rubs a cold shiny thing over my tummy, then he starts muttering, goes into the back room and when he returns he does something to the back of my shoulders a couple of times and then i get to go home.

When we get home me, Mum and Dad play this funny game where Dad holds my collar and Mum squirts some white chalky minty stuff into my mouth and then i snort it back out through my mouth and nose trying to cover as much of the kitchen as possible whilst shaking my head furiously (i managed to get the ceiling once, top points for me). Usually we play this game twice and the second time Dad grabs my muzzle tightly until i have to swallow - which i think is cheating (but that's Dad's for you).

Got to go and see Uncle Duncan again on Saturday but i'm starting to feel better already so hopefully i'll get to eat again soon - can someone send me a food parcel - lots of roast chicken would be good...........?